Hello, goodbye
Steve B > wrote:
>"Steve Pope" > wrote in message
>> There's a distinction between a pimp and a spammer.
>> A spammer, by definition, sends identical or essentially
>> identical posts/emails/etc. to many, many destinations. As
>> opposed to someone who is merely continuously promoting
>> themselves.
>Is it just me, or does anyone notice that a LOT of people here have linkouts
>in their sig lines to url's of one sort or another? As long as the person
>discusses the topic of the newsgroup, it is acceptable to have a url in a
The etiquette, last I checked, is that a .sig of no more than
two lines is okay, unless it advertises something of a
commercial nature, in which case it falls under the once-every-two-month
etiquette rule for maximum commercial speech on a given usenet group.
So, pimping one's noncommercial blog or whatever is still
I'm not sure where you draw the line if it's a link to a personal
blog with one or two commercial blurbs on it. One can always
over-tune these rules.