Alarm Clock
On Sun, 30 May 2010 19:34:40 -0500, Omelet wrote:
> In article >,
> brooklyn1 > wrote:
>> Woulda been easy, the rig is a mile from the leak... shoulda been
>> plugged automatically/instantly, same as how automatic fire control
>> systems operate. The plugging apparatus should be in place before
>> they begin drilling, same as there are brakes on a vehical before it
>> needs to stop, same reason fighter pilots wear a parachute before they
>> take off. People who think like you (who don't think) is why the gulf
>> is ****ed. And the ****ing has only just begun, they haven't a clue.
> The safety mechanisms were in place. They failed. Foul play has not been
> ruled out yet.
so you think it was a sabotage conspiracy? on the part of whom, the
socialist obama or environazis?