Does anyone drink lots of raw juice combinations?
pamjd wrote:
> I have done some googling for raw juicing sites and have found that
> there are many that contradict others. Does anyone have esperience
> with juicing for health and taste? What comvinatins do you enjoy? Is
> there a site that lists what the health benefits of different veggies
> and fruits are.
I used to use my juicer daily (when it broke I didn't buy a new one). My
favorite combinations we
1) 2 apples & 2 pears
2) 2 apples, 2 carrots, 1 stalk celery, 1/4 beet
3) "Lemonade": 5 apples, 1/4 lemon (peel and all), over ice
It's good to get lots of servings of fruits and veggies, but I mostly
prefer to get them by eating the fruits and veggies themselves (I get
the fiber that way, for one thing). Still, if you don't tend to eat them
much, it's a good plan.
Careful to use organics for most/all of your juicing, though, so you're
not concentrating the pesticides via removing the fiber.
"I tend to come down on the side of autonomy. Once people are grown up,
I believe they have the right to go to hell in the handbasket of their
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