Alarm Clock
brooklyn1 wrote:
> On Mon, 31 May 2010 22:48:59 -0400, "Nancy Young"
> > wrote:
>> There were people who would be unreachable on a regular basis
>> which could be annoying. But the idea wasn't really if you were
>> sitting in front of your pc all day, it was Did you get your work
>> done.
>> Some people definitely took advantage of telecommuting, but I found
>> that I worked longer hours at home.
>>> Anyone not available on videocam gets fired.
>> Being in IT, it wasn't really a 9 to 5 type of job. Of course, it
>> was for some people, the kind who made it look like they worked all
>> day but
>> they were just putting in face time.
> Still supposed to be present/available.
You were expected to send out a note if you were going to be
away for a stretch of time.
>> The managers knew who the real workers were.
> That statement smacks of managers know who the real ass kissers are.
They know results. If you got your work done, managing wasn't
about forcing you to sit in a chair for a certain length of time.
That was the province of the really bad managers.
> Telemarketing doesn't mean sitting home in PJs yakking away on
> personal calls, watching TV, surfing the net, doing newsgroups,
> tending to rugrats, transporting kids here there and everywhere,
> visiting with neighbors, taking 3 hour shopping breaks with the alibi
> it was lunch, or even cooking dinner.
Nope. Unless you were getting your work done in off hours.
> Telecommuters are expected to
> put in their full eight hours plus spend what would be their normal
> commuting time and then some on the job,
Screw that. It was how it worked out, often, but it most certainly
wasn't expected.
> otherwise simply travel into the office.
For what? To not see the other people who were working from
> Good managers know who the real goof offs are, they're those who pat
> themselves on the back.
Sing it. You just have to read their (always on time) status report
where every tiny accomplishment looked like a massive chore