Freezer question, your experience.
On Jun 1, 11:02*am, Andy Champ > wrote:
> spamtrap1888 wrote:
> > How humid is the room in which the freezer will be kept? Cellars tend
> > to be humid. Warm summer air can hold more moisture than cold winter
> > air. Opening the lid in a humid cellar in the summertime will increase
> > the need to defrost.
> Cold cellars tend to have a high humidity level, largely because they
> are cold. *For the freezer it's the absolute moisture level, not the RH,
> that counts - to be exact the amount that will freeze out at minus
> whateveritis you set it at.
Yes, warmer air can hold more moisture than colder air. I believe I
already typed that.
> Warm, humid cellar in summer? *Never met the beast.
Unless the cellar is deep underground, cellars still will be warmer in
summer and colder in winter. The more moisture in the room ambient,
the more moisture will enter the freezer when the lid id opened.