Thread: Alarm Clock
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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default Alarm Clock

Stu wrote:

> When I worked for the military our buildings were a favorite spot to
> set up nests around, plenty of cover and water not far. Some nights
> while checking the buildings I'd come around the side and damn near
> fall on my head with all the natural fertilizer ;o) on the ground.
> Then the parents would hiss and attempt to run me off, as I was too
> close to the nests. Got to the point where they didn't bother with me
> anymore, and I got great shots of the babies and nests, but you still
> had to watch you didn't get too close (believe me the wings hurt).
> And when you've several hundred Canada Geese milling about, the amount
> of poop as amazing.

Whatever goes in one end comes out the other, and they eat a lot. A guy
down the road has a nice green lawn because it is so well fertilized,
but her hates walking on it because it is always covered in goose shit.
The people next to us have gone to great lengths to keep geese out of
their pond. They had a contractor come out and lay a sheet of garden
cloth around the perimeter of the pond and then a layer of riprak <sp?
(big rocks) to discourage them. The shit does a number on the water and
makes it hard for other species to survive in it.