Freezer question, your experience.
Doug Miller wrote
> Rod Speed > wrote
>> Doug Miller wrote
>>> Rod Speed > wrote
>>>> Fake ID wrote
>>>>> Mark Thorson > wrote
>>>>>> john hamilton wrote
>>>>>>> The Miela has this feature which is suppose to expel the
>>>>>>> air inside, after the lid is closed. With less air trapped the
>>>>>>> theory is that it will not need defrosting as often as normal.
>>>>>> You mean there's a partial vacuum inside?
>>>>>> Wouldn't that make plastic bags and
>>>>>> unopened milk cartons burst?
>>>>> Wouldn't the unopened milk cartons burst anyway once the milk froze?
>>>> Nope, its only glass containers that burst when the contents freeze.
>>> Wrong.
>> Nope, I do it quite a bit with milk, basically when defrosting the fridge.
> Fill a cardboard milk carton with water, freeze it, and see what happens.
Like I said, I did that quite a bit when defrosting the fridge, not one ever burst.
> According to you, it won't burst. But you're wrong.
Nope, not one ever burst.
> Leave a six-pack of beer in your car trunk overnight in the middle of
> the winter. According to you, the cans won't burst. But you're wrong.
Nope, not one has ever burst here, and dont when you put them in the freezer either.
The only ones that have ever burst have been in glass containers, what we call stubbys.