On Wed, 02 Jun 2010 22:06:41 -0400, "Jean B." > wrote:
>Stu wrote:
>> On Wed, 02 Jun 2010 09:15:23 -0400, "Jean B." > wrote:
>>> brooklyn1 wrote:
>>>> Awoke this morning to wave upon wave of cacophonous honking over my
>>>> roof...
>>>> I counted 120:
>>>> http://i49.tinypic.com/2nk5n9g.jpg
>>>> Was fortunate enough to catch them leaving:
>>>> http://i49.tinypic.com/67p8wh.jpg
>>>> http://i49.tinypic.com/240yadd.jpg
>>>> Amazing, made my day.
>>> Of course, I thought you were going to speak of a rooster! It is
>>> lovely to see (and hear) nature in action. And think of all that
>>> natural fertilizer!
>> When I worked for the military our buildings were a favorite spot to
>> set up nests around, plenty of cover and water not far. Some nights
>> while checking the buildings I'd come around the side and damn near
>> fall on my head with all the natural fertilizer ;o) on the ground.
>> Then the parents would hiss and attempt to run me off, as I was too
>> close to the nests. Got to the point where they didn't bother with me
>> anymore, and I got great shots of the babies and nests, but you still
>> had to watch you didn't get too close (believe me the wings hurt).
>> And when you've several hundred Canada Geese milling about, the amount
>> of poop as amazing.
>I can only begin to imagine that!
Yoose exaggerate, I haven't gotten any goose poop on my shoes yet...
easy enough to walk around, unless yer the type feels more to home
when you step in shit.
Canada geese are strict vegetarians, what exits geese is no different
from what exists my mulching mower. Goose excrement has no odor and
decomposes totally back into the soil within 3-4 days... if it rains
it dissolves within an hour. I only wish I could train them to eat
more uniformly so I wouldn't need to mow. I'd much rather see rugrats
and pet dogs romping on goose pooped turf than in that chemical
crapola folks spread on their lawns, trek into their homes, and
breathe its dust. And large flocks of geese don't hang around more
than a day or two, they have their goose pow wows and more on. Geese
are very territorial, each year I have the same two pair here all
summer, once their nests are ready they shoo away all the interlopers.
Yoose ascared of a little critter poop had best remain in your urban
ghettos with yer gang bangers and drive bys. I'd be amazed any of
yoose squeamish mimis ever get laid... ewww, it gets all
gooey-slimey... and oral is totally out of the question, it's only a
nose length away from that poop chute! LOL-LOL
Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. . . .