Alarm Clock
brooklyn1 wrote:
>>> And when you've several hundred Canada Geese milling about, the amount
>>> of poop as amazing.
>> I can only begin to imagine that!
> Yoose exaggerate, I haven't gotten any goose poop on my shoes yet...
> easy enough to walk around, unless yer the type feels more to home
> when you step in shit.
> Canada geese are strict vegetarians, what exits geese is no different
> from what exists my mulching mower.
Not entirely true. They are primarily herbivores but, like chickens,
they also eat small insects.
> Goose excrement has no odor and
> decomposes totally back into the soil within 3-4 days...
Bullshit.... or goose shit in this case. There are piles of it along the
trail where we walk our dogs every day and I have been seeing those dame
piles there for the last three weeks. They are getting smaller and
darker, but they are still there. We have had several hard rains in the
last few weeks and they are still there.