Walmart Presents Even Lower Standards
Cooks brand ham: "A water and ham product": 25% of weight is
added water. Still more expensive than the Smithfiled wet-cured
hams ("Ham in natural juices" - the best quality).
Roast Beef in the sliced to order deli: "A Water and Binder
Product" (What, no roast beef?)
Sea scallops holding steady at a mere 30% water (Sam's Club were
still 25% last I looked). The Bay scallops said they were just
scallops, but I find that impossible considering they were from
Frozen "Strip Steaks": Made from Frobinogen and Beef Plasma
Protein (sounds like blood to me).
And the imitation cheese selection now outweighs the real cheese
section. New one to me: "A water and imitation cheese food
product" (this means they must have cut out the "expensive"
vegetable oil in favor of water).
What next, Isolated Water Products and Alternative Dirt
Derivatives? Soylent Yellow is looking pretty good right now.
I didn't know what the "Slow Food" movement was about until just
recently. I ignore all kinds of "movements" (except physiological
ones), but this one isn't whacko in the least. It's about
preserving the foods and food traditions as we know it (or, AS WE
KNEW them). Nothing at Walmart would possibly qualify as Slow
Food. The Ark of Taste especially interests me.