Walmart Presents Even Lower Standards
On 6/4/2010 8:46 AM, Melba's Jammin' wrote:
> In >,
> > wrote:
>> Cooks brand ham: "A water and ham product": 25% of weight is
>> added water. Still more expensive than the Smithfiled wet-cured
>> hams ("Ham in natural juices" - the best quality).
>> -sw
> Man, you just stomped on my heart and smashed that sucker flat. Cook's
> have been my favorite ham for a very long time.
If you like it what difference does it make?
> And I, who screams
> about Hormel's added "flavor solution" all the time, absolutely missed
> (wasn't even looking for it) that "23% of weight is added ingredients"
> statement. I weep for sad. After reading your post I thought maybe
> they don't do that to all their hams -- maybe just the ones that go to
> Walmart--and I didn't get mine there. No such luck. :-( :-(<8*(