On Fri, 4 Jun 2010 09:11:09 -0500, Sqwertz >
>On Fri, 04 Jun 2010 07:46:42 -0500, Melba's Jammin' wrote:
>> In article >,
>> Sqwertz > wrote:
>>> Cooks brand ham: "A water and ham product": 25% of weight is
>>> added water. Still more expensive than the Smithfiled wet-cured
>>> hams ("Ham in natural juices" - the best quality).
>>> -sw
>> Man, you just stomped on my heart and smashed that sucker flat. Cook's
>> have been my favorite ham for a very long time. And I, who screams
>> about Hormel's added "flavor solution" all the time, absolutely missed
>> (wasn't even looking for it) that "23% of weight is added ingredients"
>> statement. I weep for sad. After reading your post I thought maybe
>> they don't do that to all their hams -- maybe just the ones that go to
>> Walmart--and I didn't get mine there. No such luck. :-( :-( <8*(
>They could very well be hams made specifically for Walmart. Most
>manufacturers who supply Walmart have two lines of products - One
>they sell to Walmart (and now Target), and another they sell to
>everybody else to try and maintain their reputation.
Bullshit. Walmart can sell for less because they pay less because
they buy in greater volume than everyone else. Anyone thinks the
Scope mouth wash at Walmart is lower quality because it's priced less
than elsewhere is nuts, probably having an eliptical fit... until
today I didn't know the dwarf was in orbit, however aren't all dwarfs
kinda ovate? LOL
>Lebvi Jeans
>is a good example (the ones bought from Walmart rip within
Especially the knees, eh, dwarf? hehehe
Levi makes many styles of jeans using different weight denim... dwafs
like you who claim to have a nice ass probably wear denim with
spandex... they ship the same quality product to every store....
Walmart probably sells mostly if not all the lower weight denim
styles, obviously lower weight denim costs less but wears faster. Most
folks, especially rugrats, don't need the heavy duty denim, they
outgrow them so fast they never get to wear/wash them out and often
the style is not to wear washed out jeans... mostly out grown out of
style jeans get passsed down or donated so why pay top dollar for
something one can't use up. Folks who want to wear their clothes
month after month, wash after wash, year after year shouldn't be
buying their clothing from Walmart... buy those at a store that
specializes in workman/contractor clothing, they'll have the original
heavyweight Levis... they'll also cost a lot more than the light
weight styles from Walmart.
WOW... Levi has more kinds of jeans than I can count: