A curious bottle.
A very champagne like nose, all grilled toast and green apple. I can't ever
recall a still wine with a nose so redolent of champagne.
Extremely complex in the mouth, still with the champagne-like quality of
green apple and toast, but also licorice, rose water, lavender honey,
melon, cake and thyme [!]. A nice bit of chewyness. I found it a bit
loose at the end, but the flavor of it certainly stuck around in the mouth.
(I was the only one who considered calling it "short").
I am uncertain as to what the encepagement would be. Don't recall
seeing the etiquette "blanc de blancs" in CdP before. I certainly would
have thought Clairette + ?. Viognier is not authorized in CdP Blanc, is it?
Emery Davis
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