In the market of stainless steel immersion blender
In article >,
brooklyn1 > wrote:
> On Thu, 03 Jun 2010 20:46:11 -0500, Melba's Jammin'
> > wrote:
> >In article >,
> > brooklyn1 > wrote:
> >
> >> My automatic 'lectric teakettle is plastic, has boiled water for years
> >> and hasn't melted. I wonder if anyone makes an immersion blender with
> >> a stainless steel housing, what would be the point?
> >
> >I think KitchenAid and/or Cuisinart do.
> I bet they don't... safety issues... today all electric hand tools
> have plastic housings/hand grips, especially those used near liquids.
> Years ago the common electric drill motor had an aluminum housing and
> wasn't even grounded, same with vacuum cleaners, bread toasters, most
> everything had metal housings... home electricutions were common. It
> wasn't until around 1970 that plastics were developed that were strong
> enough to be used for hand tool housings (earlier plastics were
> bakelite/celluloid, not very strong). Early PCs/printers had all
> steel housings, people were electricuted.
All the steel-cased appliances where I work are earthed (grounded), even
the old ones from the '60s.
Electricians do it in three phases