r.f.c. food myths
Om wrote:
>> BT definitely has huge problems with going off
>> > the rails into fight club land but I'm not really seeing why you're >
>> > singling him out.
>> Because he cares about food, I had higher expectations. Many vulgar
>> dirtmouths I just killfile, but I didn't want to killfile BT.
> Neither did I, but he finally got to be too vulgar.
> I did not need that in my life...
> There are too many other good cooks here to read so he lost any real
> value he used to have.
The first problem here is the blatant double standard, which is pretty
obvious to everyone who compares my vulgarity to that of clueless AOL newbie
Sheldon "Pussy" Katz.
The second problem here is that Om has nothing of culinary value to
contribute to this forum.