Pic of Sausage Sandwich
On Jun 5, 11:40*am, Omelet > wrote:
> In article
> >,
> *"Catmandy (Sheryl)" > wrote:
> > > I dunno. *Burnt stuff goes in the garbage. *I don't do it often
> > > luckily. *I know some people like charcoal black hot dogs too. *I like
> > > just a bit but too much is over the top. *Like the sausage picture.
> > > YUK!
> > > Lou * *
> > Truthfully, I looked at the picture and my first reaction was "that
> > looks gross! it's all burnt and greasy". And then I added "probably
> > tasted good, though". * So I can see both sides.
> <lol> Good viewpoint. ;-)
> --
> Peace! Om
Yeah, I've been trying not to be so "black and white" in my old age.
Cancer mellows a person.... You finally figure out what's worth
arguing over and what's not. Fighting for your life: totally worth
it. Fighting over whether the sandwich is "well toasted" or "burnt"?
Not so much. :-)