In article >,
Sqwertz > wrote:
> On Fri, 04 Jun 2010 07:46:42 -0500, Melba's Jammin' wrote:
> > In article >,
> > Sqwertz > wrote:
> >
> >> Cooks brand ham: "A water and ham product": 25% of weight is
> >> added water. Still more expensive than the Smithfiled wet-cured
> >> hams ("Ham in natural juices" - the best quality).
> >
> >> -sw
> >
> > Man, you just stomped on my heart and smashed that sucker flat. Cook's
> > have been my favorite ham for a very long time. And I, who screams
> > about Hormel's added "flavor solution" all the time, absolutely missed
> > (wasn't even looking for it) that "23% of weight is added ingredients"
> > statement. I weep for sad. After reading your post I thought maybe
> > they don't do that to all their hams -- maybe just the ones that go to
> > Walmart--and I didn't get mine there. No such luck. :-( :-( <8*(
> They could very well be hams made specifically for Walmart. Most
> manufacturers who supply Walmart have two lines of products - One
> they sell to Walmart (and now Target), and another they sell to
> everybody else to try and maintain their reputation. Lebvi Jeans
> is a good example (the ones bought from Walmart rip within
> months).
> -sw
That's what I'm saying - I did not get my Cook's at Walmart and it is
23% water. :-( The Hormel tenderloins are up to 30% "flavor solution."
Barb, Mother Superior, HOSSSPoJ
Updated 4-24-2010 with food story and pictures