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PL[_5_] PL[_5_] is offline
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Posts: 529
Default (2010-05-31) NS-RFC: Weddings

Omelet > wrote in newsmpomelet-CAD5C6.03053605062010

>> But even people on an 'average' wage over here can afford health
>> insurance. They have different levels = different premiums.

> Ps, the other advantage is that waiting times are a LOT LOT shorter.
> Dad has VA benefits which are run by the government. He had to wait 18
> months for cataract surgery so spent several months totally blind.

????????????????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

> 9 months for hernia surgery. Had to lay down on the bed a couple of
> times per day to tuck his guts back in thru the body wall and as a
> result, the surgery was more drastic.

???????????????????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Once again Om, we have vast differences in care.

Here, we have 'VA benefits'...... it's called a "Gold Card".

You need something done, you go see a Dr/Specialist..... and it's done

If a Vet had to wait 18 months for surgery, for *anything*, there would be
a shitstorm.

The longest I've had to wait is 3 weeks...... and that was mainly because
the specialist dates for surgery 'interfered' with what I had planned in
the coming weeks.

> Private health care would have had him taken care of a lot sooner.
> Government care kills.

In the US.

Peter Lucas

A good friend would drive 30 miles at 2:00 am to bail you out of jail.
A best friend, however, would be sitting in the cell next to you saying
"Man, that was f******n Awesome!"