In article >,
Christine Dabney > wrote:
>On Sat, 5 Jun 2010 16:00:31 +0000 (UTC),
>(Charlotte L. Blackmer) wrote:
>>obFood: The yellow peaches I got from Pedrick Produce in Dixon were
>>really amazingly good, so I got some on my way back from Davis yesterday.
>>I'll miss my stops at PP when I stop taking quite so many trips up into
>>the Valley because the produce is excellent, the bulk selection
>>astonishing, the gourmet groceries (Cajun mixes, local honey, that sort of
>>thing) impressive, and the prices are easy on my wallet.
>>I will also be making another apricot pie with Pedrick apricots Real Soon
>Oh, that sounds so good!
Someone put out the beacon ... "Fresh Local Apricots" ... couldn't resist.
The .99/lb was just gravy.
I finally found where the shortening is in the new BB, so I've got my
butter-flavor Crisco (don't judge, maaaan) sticks chilling away. (AND, $1
less than at previous source. SCORE!)
>I will be so excited to get back to the land of good RIPE fruit! Can
>you say apricots, and maybe even the rare Blenheim apricot? I will be
>far enough south, so I might get a chance of seeing some. I am gonna
>make the journey to the Santa Monica farmers market one day, and I
>think there is a vendor there that does have them. I may be wrong on
>this, but I think they are one of the late apricot varieties.
>Oh, and peaches!
>I wish some of you were near enough to where I am going to be for 3
>months... I can see some great fruit in my future and maybe even some
>good baking!
You're definitely in peach country down there. When I was hauling out to
Fresno on a regular basis, I would pass a lot of peach and nectarine
orchards. Apricots will probably be played out but the pluots and
plums will be in. Grapes (table/raisin) are also a big crop.
>Speaking of the that general area, does anyone know what is available
>around there? I know Basque food is in that region. But I don't
>know much else..
I've changed the subject line to try to help. All I know about B'field is
that my parents usually stop at the Mimi's Cafe there when they are doing
SoCal runs if they are not eating with my uncle up in Fraisneaux.
Fraisneaux has a lot of good Armenian food as well; maybe some of those
folks live further south.
I'm sure they have some equivalent to the Farmer's Wife out in Carmichael,
though; you will need to ask when you get there. Maybe the Cal State
campus has a farm store like CSU Fresno does.