Tips again
Goomba wrote on Sat, 05 Jun 2010 16:42:18 -0400:
> Catmandy (Sheryl) wrote:
>> On Jun 5, 11:36 am, Wayne Boatwright >
>> wrote:
>>> If someone cannot afford or is too cheap to tip
>>> appropriately for a decent meal in a good restaurant, then
>>> they shouldn't eat there in the first place.
>> Thus spake Wayne.
>> That's not an opinion, that sounds more like a Supreme Court
>> decision!
Of course I tip; usually at about the rounded up 15% level. It is
interesting to speculate why tips should be necessary or even a service
charge ("servis compris") as in Europe. I'm fully aware that the wages
that waiters are paid in the US assumes that they will be tipped but I
wonder if the the service charge actually goes to the staff in Europe?
James Silverton
Potomac, Maryland
Email, with obvious alterations: