Thread: Tips again
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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default Tips again

brooklyn1 wrote:
>> On the other end of the spectrum, I totally understand why one
>> would not feel like tipping by percentage when they order an
>> expensive bottle of wine. Like, how is it someone earned that
>> much more to serve a $100 bottle than a bottle of (whatever's
>> cheap)?

> The risk factor... what if it's dropped... the wine server has to be
> much more careful with $100 wine than with a $12 liter of house wine.
> And more often than folks realize those pricey wines are poured and
> tasted only to discover they've spoiled.

A server shouldn't be dropping any wine bottles. If they do, they will
be paying the cost price, not the ridiculously marked up price on the
menu. Five minutes to pour a carafe of $12 wine or 5 minutes to fetch
and uncork a $100 bottle of wine..... $1.80 vs. $15. Yeah. That really
makes sense.

> The very same risk factor
> applies when comparing a burger and fries to a porterhouse and surf.
> The risk factor is the main reason tipping is based on the price...
> same reason performing the same service is priced so differently on a
> Corolla and a Porche... I mean one would think an oil change is an oil
> change, a tire rotation is a tire rotatation, a spark plug is a spark
> plug... think about it.

How much do you tip on you oil changes and tire rotations?