Tips again
On Sat, 05 Jun 2010 16:40:38 -0400, Goomba >
>James Silverton wrote: In my
>> lifetime, I've seen tipping percentages creep up from 10% or less and,
>> of course, seen the innumerate argument that larger percentages are
>> needed because of rises in the cost of living.
>In my life I've never known of tips to be suggested at only 10%. It was
>suggested at 15% long ago, but I read and hear it suggested at 18% now.
>I usually do 20%.
I tip based on whether it's my usual haunt or I'm just passing
through. For a one shot deal if the service is good I'll tip 15%....
if the service is less than good I'll tip 10%... if the service is
lousy and/or non existant I tip 0%... they'll never see me again so
who gives a rat's b-hind. But when it's a regular haunt I know I will
be treated superbly because that's why I'm a regular and then I'll tip
25%. It's like how much do yoose tip your regular hair dresser...
you'd be pretty dumb to be stingy and then go back. There
are no regular old fashioned barber shops near here (they're getting
rarer and rarer everywhere) but there's a small unisex place in town
so that's where I go for my quarterly shearings. All my life I've
hated having my hair cut, I hate having to waste all that time waiting
for my next, I hate the stupid loudmouth barroom boasting, and I hate
having to rush home so itchy that I can barely wait to get out of my
hairy clothes and jump in the shower. So about every three months
when my hair has gotten too long and I wake up in the mood I phone and
ask for Lynn, she's been doing me the seven years I've lived here...
my GI special with an extry 1/4" on top in front takes her 15 minutes
and she knows just how I like it so she always squeezes me in between
all the old biddies getting their major overhauls. My do costs a big
$12, I hand her a twenty, say thank you and don't wait for any change.
My 15 minute dates with Lynn are always very pleasant and for 7 years
now she's never said she's too busy to do me. And I know for a fact
that the hillybillys up here don't like to tip, they give a tip so
miserly they'd do better to give nothng, then it would at least appear
they forgot. I think with a lot of folks it's not a case of not being
able to afford a decent tip, it's strictly their oversized egos making
a power play, they have control issues. The one personality trait
that really irks me is cheap ******* disease, that's indicative of
other much more serious personality disorders, like being abusive, a
liar, and a theif. I don't associate with cheapskates, nor should
you, soon enough they will hurt you.