Walmart Presents Even Lower Standards
On Fri, 04 Jun 2010 14:30:43 -0500, Melba's Jammin' wrote:
> In article
> >,
> Nancy2 > wrote:
>> My best grrrrrrr is for the Hormel pork in the butcher's case - it is
>> ALL injected, but when they pull 2 or 3 pork chops out from the
>> display window, there isn't any sign saying so - it's pretending to be
>> "real" pork. Fie on them.
>> N.
> I refuse to buy Hormel pork. I get most of my pigmeat from the farmer
> who raises them. "It was walking on Thursday." :-)
Hormel has an unadulterated pork, too, if your grocer wished to
carry it.
HEB here in Texas has finally started to advertise the fact that
they don't carry injected meats (except in the case of obviously
marinated stuff).
I hope this isn't a pre-cursor to them doing so. It wouldn't be
the first time companies have pulled this (Like V8 Splash - used
to be 100% juice and they advertised it heavily - then a month
later it was 10-30% juice).