Freezer question, your experience.
On Sun, 06 Jun 2010 07:51:37 -0500, Melba's Jammin'
> wrote:
>In article >,
> brooklyn1 > wrote:
>> Most stupidmarket food freezers/fridges are chest type and have no
>> door... instead they have a fill line and many have add-on deflectors
>> to block air agitation. Food stores are more and more moving away
>> from upright freezer/fridge units.
><Crossposts removed>
>You're being grandiose again, you goof. Maybe "most" that you have seen
>are chest types. My Cub store has two aisles of "upright" freezer
>cases. And then there's the wall of upright frozen stuff in the meat
>department (frozen fish, seafood, etc.). That one's the result of a
>recent remodel of the meat department.
Where I live the stores are switching to chest type (no lid) as much
as possible, especially for ice cream/frozen veggies... with how so
many hafta open the door to decide the product actually begins to
defrost... the door is clear glass yet they still gotta stand with the
fridge door open for several minutes, just like to home... and with so
many standing with the doors open all at once may as well not have
doors. Cold beverages/dairy are in upright fridges, no door, but have
some sort of blower device that somehow seals in the cold air, like
how some malls do with doorless entries to keep cold in for summer and
warm in for winter. Of course those uprights are on exterior walls,
actually back up to the walk in storage fridge from where
they constantly replenish. The older stores in poorer neighborhoods
still haven't made the transition.