On Sun, 06 Jun 2010 08:42:38 -0400, Goomba >
>Miche wrote:
>> In article >,
>> Goomba > wrote:
>>> brooklyn1 wrote:
>>>> Only a fool would submerge the housing portion of any electric tool.
>>> lol, that's how I felt the first time I drained my hot tub using a sump
>>> pump! I just couldn't see how I wasn't going to be electrocuted!
>> You didn't because it was double insulated.
>> Miche
>I dunno nuffin' about all that technical stuff..but I sure was nervous
>that first time.
>I still hold my breath each time I use it as I hoist it into the water
>expecting some horrible death.....
Why are you using a sump pump to drain a hot tub/spa... and why
doesn't it have a gravity drain or built in pump... where is the water
going? You should be using the type of pump where you just put a hose
into the tub to suck out the water... the pump would be a distance
away, it's remote so it never goes into or even near the water....
farmers use them all the time to suck irrigation water from ponds,
it's called a transfer pump. Depending on location of your tub you
could probably have the transfer pump outdoors and use the tub water
for irrigation.
There are several brands with various capabilities, this'll work:
Who's the imbecile you told you to use a sump pump to drain a tub...
get rid of that sump pump before you kill yourself.