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gloria.p gloria.p is offline
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Default Freezer question, your experience.

Melba's Jammin' wrote:
> In article >,
> brooklyn1 > wrote:
>> Most stupidmarket food freezers/fridges are chest type and have no
>> door... instead they have a fill line and many have add-on deflectors
>> to block air agitation. Food stores are more and more moving away
>> from upright freezer/fridge units.

> <Crossposts removed>
> You're being grandiose again, you goof. Maybe "most" that you have seen
> are chest types. My Cub store has two aisles of "upright" freezer
> cases. And then there's the wall of upright frozen stuff in the meat
> department (frozen fish, seafood, etc.). That one's the result of a
> recent remodel of the meat department.

Agreed. I haven't seen a chest freezer in a supermarket in years except
for small ones the drag out occasionally for small amounts of expensive
ice cream. I saw one Friday with pints of both red bean and green tea
ice creams. Didn't buy either but I was tempted.

Many of our local King Soopers/City Market (both Kroger) are remodeling
and adding yet another aisle or more of upright freezers with more
ethnic-type frozen convenience foods.

gloria p