Walmart Presents Even Lower Standards
Sqwertz > wrote in
> On Fri, 04 Jun 2010 14:30:43 -0500, Melba's Jammin' wrote:
>> In article
>> .com>,
>> Nancy2 > wrote:
>>> My best grrrrrrr is for the Hormel pork in the butcher's
>>> case - it is ALL injected, but when they pull 2 or 3 pork
>>> chops out from the display window, there isn't any sign
>>> saying so - it's pretending to be "real" pork. Fie on them.
>>> N.
>> I refuse to buy Hormel pork. I get most of my pigmeat from
>> the farmer who raises them. "It was walking on Thursday."
>> :-)
> Hormel has an unadulterated pork, too, if your grocer wished
> to carry it.
> HEB here in Texas has finally started to advertise the fact
> that they don't carry injected meats (except in the case of
> obviously marinated stuff).
> I hope this isn't a pre-cursor to them doing so. It wouldn't
> be the first time companies have pulled this (Like V8 Splash -
> used to be 100% juice and they advertised it heavily - then a
> month later it was 10-30% juice).
> -sw
Thank you. This is Great to know!!