CA's Stater Bros.
Dimitri wrote:
> Nuts. I'll have to check the store in Santa Clarita that used to be the
> only place I could get St. Luis Cut Ribs.
> My favorite cut.
> Dimitri
Make your own from spareribs using only two cuts! (1) Cut off the flap
on the bone side of the ribs. Remove and discard the tough, silvery
membrane on the bone side by slipping a dull knife under the edge. Use
pliers or a paper towel to grab it and peel it off the bones. This will
remove the tough, inedible part and allow the seasonings to work on the
bone side also. Grab the long sides of the ribs in both hands and flex
them to find where the bone ends. (2) Cut through them right at this
line. Often there's a line of fat at the same place. Don't be surprised
if the rib bones are only a third the size of the store cut. You will
have three pieces -- the boneless flap, the (St. Louis style) ribs and
the brisket, which is mostly cartilage and fat.