"Zeppo" > schrieb im Newsbeitrag
>>> We had houseguests from Vienna a few weeks ago, who came bearing gifts.
>>> They brought an very pleasant Gruner Ventliner, some Viennese
>>> chocolates, and a tall can of Pumpkin seed oil. They said the oil was an
>>> Austrian specialty that has many health benefits and is used on salads,
>>> on vegetables, and over vanilla ice cream.
>> They pulled your leg. NEVER over ice cream.
> I doubt they were putting one over on me. They are a lovely young couple,
> with a beautiful 6 month old son, but levity is not one of their strong
> points. I also saw using it as an ice cream topping on several web sites
> when I researched it.
>>> I've tried in on salads and vegetables and it was OK, but not wonderful.
>> Then you've got a watered down version (cut with other oils). Premium
>> pumpkin seed oil is wonderful (or you hate it ;-P).
> I can't really tell. They use water in the extraction process but make it
> sound like it evaporates off.
> Here's a link to the manufacturer:
> http://www.kleinschuster.at/index_en.htm
> Have you heard of them?
Nope. I buy my oil directly from a farmer in Styria. He presses his own
oil -
the real stuff; no water in the extraction process.
Otherwise, Kleinschuster sounds OK for a big producer.
Michael Kuettner