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ImStillMags ImStillMags is offline
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Default Made Empanadas this afternoon

On Jun 6, 6:45*pm, sf > wrote:
> On Sun, 6 Jun 2010 20:43:24 -0400, "Nancy Young"
> > wrote:
> > ImStillMags wrote:

> > > I had the ingredients on hand and it was a icky rainy day so I spent a
> > > little time and made empanadas. *

> Looks like I deleted the OP by mistake, so I have to piggyback.
> Anyway... I was just looking at chowhound and what was in the right
> column? *
> --
> Forget the health food. I need all the preservatives I can get.

must be something in the air!!!

In future I'll most likely make them with just my pie crust. The
biscuits were an idea I got from Googling around for recipes.
One called for some shredded cheddar added as well. This might be an
option, but I'd put it in after the mix was cold or
on top of the mix before folding and crimping.

The Argentinian empanada recipes all called for a sliced boiled egg
tucked in along with the dried fruit. May have to
play around with some of those too.

I'm really liking them. They weren't hard to make and really didn't
take any more time than any other decent dish to make.
And it was a fun afternoon with the weather keeping me indoors.