Sourdough starter
zxcvbob wrote:
> I just mixed 100 grams of rye flour with 100 ml of bottled water in
> a covered bowl on my kitchen counter. No yeast, no salt, no milk,
> no sugar. How long should it take before I see some life? (I
> haven't done this in a few years and I don't remember.) Gonna try
> making sourdough pizza crust; will switch over to wheat flour when I
> start feeding it.
> Do I need to feed and divide it a few times before I freeze some of
> it for insurance? I plan to grow it at room temperature for a few
> weeks, then move it to the refrigerator to slow it down.
> Bob
That's going to depend on what microorganisms are on your flour, on your
bowl and in the air in your kitchen. Can take several days for a new
culture to get going. What have you used to cover your bowl? I keep a
cotton tea towel specifically for baking purposes, such as covering
bowls or rising bread. It's only ever rinsed thoroughly with water and
line dried. Bound to be some 'goodies' on there LOL.
Once it gets going, freeze some without doing anything else to it. Then
feed and divide it and freeze some more. Always check how it smells as
you are growing. If it smells 'off' then dump it and try again.