Sourdough starter
"zxcvbob" > wrote in message
> Arri London wrote:
>> zxcvbob wrote:
>>> I just mixed 100 grams of rye flour with 100 ml of bottled water in
>>> a covered bowl on my kitchen counter. No yeast, no salt, no milk,
>>> no sugar. How long should it take before I see some life? (I
>>> haven't done this in a few years and I don't remember.) Gonna try
>>> making sourdough pizza crust; will switch over to wheat flour when I
>>> start feeding it.
>>> Do I need to feed and divide it a few times before I freeze some of
>>> it for insurance? I plan to grow it at room temperature for a few
>>> weeks, then move it to the refrigerator to slow it down.
>>> Bob
>> That's going to depend on what microorganisms are on your flour, on your
>> bowl and in the air in your kitchen. Can take several days for a new
>> culture to get going. What have you used to cover your bowl? I keep a
>> cotton tea towel specifically for baking purposes, such as covering
>> bowls or rising bread. It's only ever rinsed thoroughly with water and
>> line dried. Bound to be some 'goodies' on there LOL. Once it gets going,
>> freeze some without doing anything else to it. Then
>> feed and divide it and freeze some more. Always check how it smells as
>> you are growing. If it smells 'off' then dump it and try again.
> After I posted this, I added a crushed vitamin C tablet (to acidify it a
> little until the bacteria take hold) and a little more bottled water
> because the dough seemed too stiff.
> It's in a Rubbermaid measuring cup with a snap-on lid that can leak a
> little so it doesn't build up pressure and blow off. I want to keep flies
> and fruitflies out of it.
> I stirred it this morning, and again when I got home tonight. It hasn't
> actually risen any yet, but it does have bubbles in it. It just smells
> like dough at this point. And it has thinned out a little, but no hooch
> on top yet obviously.
It's time to add some organic* white flour to the mix. I keep mine at about
a 60% hydration, i.e., 60ml/gr water to 100g flour or ~1/3 cup water to ~1/2
cup flour. Of course, if you are making a batter-type SD starter, use equal
parts water and flour.Rye dough doesn't rise much as there is no gluten to
trap the gas.
*No bleaching additives.