On Mon, 07 Jun 2010 22:39:45 -0500, Melba's Jammin'
> wrote:
>In article >,
> Lou Decruss > wrote:
>> I used a 50/50 mix or water/white vinegar with about a 1/4 cup kosher
>> salt. The link I posted last week sliced them after a 2 month brine.
>> Being sliced I assume it's going to go faster so I'll check them in a
>> week and see where they're at and maybe make a tiny test batch.
>> One pound gave me exactly one quart.
>> http://i45.tinypic.com/2njlyqc.jpg
> :-) That's a lot of salt if you made brine for just the one quart.
I didn't measure. I just dumped some in. It was probably a bit less.
That's another reason I want to check it at a week. Thanks for the
pointer though. I'm new to this stuff. The peppers are only a small
part of the final product.
>Did you process or are you letting them sit in the fridge?
Just in the fridge. I have the gear but never processed anything yet.
If the stuff turns out well it might motivate me to learn canning.