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spamtrap1888 spamtrap1888 is offline
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Default The Giardiniera Experiment Has Started

On Jun 7, 5:27*pm, Lou Decruss > wrote:
> For those who were following the condiment saving thread, *I started
> what's going to be a long project. * I also found another good site
> saying about what I was saying but I think he's being impatient and
> doesn't have it down but it was still worth reading. *There's also a
> Chicago Tribune recipe link. *I'm combining everything I've read and
> we'll see what happens. *It shouldn't be to hard because I actually
> know what it's supposed to taste like. *These two are closer than most
> others I've read but I still think they're not quite there.
> <>
> So for the first step I ran 1 pound of serranos through the slicing
> blade of the FP. *
> I loaded them in the chute so I got mostly rings and not strips. *
> All ready to pack
> I used a 50/50 mix or water/white vinegar with about a 1/4 cup kosher
> salt. *The link I posted last week sliced them after a 2 month brine.
> Being sliced I assume it's going to go faster so I'll check them in a
> week and see where they're at and maybe make a tiny test batch.
> One pound gave me exactly one quart.
> If this turns out it's going to be even cheaper than buying the stuff.
> The peppers are only $1.59 a pound and that's the most expensive item.

That recipe seems to have a lot of cauliflower. And, a lot of salt. I
wonder if this wasn't what the Michigander used.

Even the stripped-down olive and chillies version works for me