Bean Chips...
In article >,
sf > wrote:
> On Tue, 08 Jun 2010 05:31:42 -0500, Omelet >
> wrote:
> > They are primarily potato, but not 100%.
> > Pringles are something I avoid because I like them too much.
> >
> Pringles for me, are like cigarettes for certain smokers who say
> they've quit but bum them off of others. IOW, I don't buy them but I
> certainly don't turn it down when offered. As a result, I haven't had
> a can in hand to read the ingredient list. They crunch and taste like
> reconstituted mashed potatoes to me, so I'm surprised to hear they
> have beans and corn in them. Not shocked, horrified or repulsed, just
> surprised.
I was in the store this morning and read the can. The do contain potato,
but also corn and rice flour.
Those damned things are like crack. <g>
Like you, I don't buy them but if someone offers them at work, I
generally end up eating a few.
I especially like to crunch down on 3 or 4 at once.
Peace! Om
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