OT <--(sorry) Hearing at high frequencies
Cheryl wrote:
> No where else to ask this, plus you're all a smart bunch.
> Today I got my new laptop at work and the help desk brought it in and
> said they had to send it back because it was making a high-pitched sound
> that was annoying. I couldn't hear it. I asked a couple of others to
> come listen to my laptop and tell me what they heard, and without
> knowing I couldn't hear it and without knowing the help desk was going
> to send it back, everyone said high-pitched sound, maybe hard drive or
> maybe video. More intrigued at why I couldn't hear this, I asked
> others, and some even said it was giving them a headache to hear it.
> WTF? Could there be frequencies some people can't hear that others can,
> similar to how some animals hear frequencies that no human can hear? I
> asked people of different ages and there was only one other person about
> my age who didn't hear anything at all, but some close to my age heard
> it loud and clear. I have never had a reason to think my hearing is
> impaired.
Have you attended a lot of rock concerts? Do you play the radio loudly
in the car? Mow with a gas mower and no ear protection? Use a chain
saw? Lots of loud noise or just aging can affect your high frequency
hearing range. You may not be impaired for normal conversation and
still not be able to hear high frequency sounds.
gloria p