A correction
On 6/8/2010 9:48 AM, The Cook wrote:
> On Tue, 08 Jun 2010 07:50:04 -0500, Melba's Jammin'
> > wrote:
>> In >,
>> George > wrote:
>>> It just occurred to me today that I made an error in a post from a few
>>> days ago. I gave the wrong measurements for Pickle Crisp, aka calcium
>>> chloride when added to pint and quart jars. The correct measurements a
>>> 3/4 teaspoon per pint jar
>>> 1 1/2 teaspoons per quart jar
>>> I realized this when I looked at the box today when adding the calcium
>>> chloride to the luncheon spear jars.
>>> Mea Culpa, Mea Culpa, Mea Maxima Culpa.
>>> George
>>> Father Inquisitor, HOSSPOJ
>> Twelve Our Fathers and six Hail Marys for you, Bucko!
>> How old is your Pickle Crisp? This year? Where in SamHill did you get
>> it?
> I found the Ball Pickle Crisp at my local grocery store here in the
> sticks. It was $5.98 for a 5.5 oz (155g) jar. Directions say to use
> a rounded 1/4 tsp/quart or rounded 1/8 tsp/pint. Should last a while.
Must be a stronger product than the older stuff I have, mine says 1.5
tspn per quart and .75 tspn per pint.
> Amazon price is $5.99 + shipping unless you keep a mile long wish list
> like I do. But I would rather keep my local grocery store going. They
> keep canning supplies year around. You won't find canning jars
> anywhere else in town if you decided to make marmalade in January and
> run out of jars or pectin. I do enough to keep Amazon going. Check
> the places where you find Ball jars. It was flagged as a new product
> here.
Nothing at our local supermarket with the Ball jars.