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Goomba[_2_] Goomba[_2_] is offline
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Default Oven Door Glass Schmutz

Wayne Boatwright wrote:

> It's really optional. If you leave them in, most will discolor but
> still remain fully functional. Many manuals refer to this, and if
> you leave them in for cleaning, they recommend rubbing the outer
> rails lightly with oil so that they move smoothly. There are a few
> ranges that have racks intentioinally designed to be left in and they
> don't discolor. Not sure what they're made from.

Just peeked in again. The racks look as shiny as before but they don't
slide quite as easily. I haven't wiped out the oven yet (so little ash
visible!) but will do so and oil the glides a bit.
If I could get the energy to read the manual I could know what GE
suggests. But the chance of that is ...slim. :/