Thread: Fat acceptance?
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Mark Thorson Mark Thorson is offline
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Default Fat acceptance?

Goomba wrote:
> All the more so because she's got CHILDREN she should be thinking
> about!!! What in the world kind of life is she providing them watching
> her overeat herself into a coffin. But before that point, she provides
> everyone she comes in to contact with a joke at her expense, a shocked
> gasp, pity and disgust. Why would she do that to her children?

A few weeks ago, I was at Safeway and marveling at all
the fat women I saw that day. Probably just a coincidence,
but there were fat women in the parking lot before I even
entered the store. But what really impressed me was
a mother/daughter pair, the daughter being maybe about
20 years old. Both about 300 pounds, with a strong
family resemblance. I suppose it makes mom feel more
comfortable when the daughter takes after her, and the
daughter feels free to indulge without restraint.