Anti-Whaling Terrorist Expelled From Sea Shepard
On Jun 10, 6:33*pm, T > wrote:
> On 6/10/2010 9:49 AM, Food Snob wrote:
> > I approve of anti-whaling terrorists. *I'd like to see them kill every
> > single Japanese "researcher." *Kill the captain, then cut him up into
> > chum to attract the sharks, then throw the rest of the crew in.
> > --Bryan
> Why does this not surprise me? I always suspected you were a closet or
> currently undiscovered homicidal sociopath. You just attempt to hide it
> behind a false air of superiority and delusions of grandeur.
I have never hidden my approval of revenge. The only reason that I
don't approve of torturing captured prisoners is that most
intelligence experts seem to believe that it is less effective than
other approaches in getting good intelligence. If I had my way,
captured al Qaeda folks would be given involuntary sex changes, and
their minds would be brainwashed with massive doses of LSD. Then
they'd be videotaped being raped, and the videos sent back to Yemen,
or Saudi, or wherever.
I've said all of this stuff before. There never was a closet.