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brooklyn1 brooklyn1 is offline
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Default OT Tipping movers

On Thu, 10 Jun 2010 21:38:58 -0400, Dave Smith
> wrote:

>Terry Pulliam Burd wrote:
>> And this is a brilliant example of why I've had Sheldon killfiled for
>> years. Yes, we hired professional movers to move fewer than 3 miles. I
>> am way past the age of hiring a UHaul, buying a case of beer and
>> getting my friends to help me move. I have 2,800 square feet of living
>> space, a baby grand piano, some antiques (besides Bill and me, that
>> is) and yada yada yada. I am not about to bother trying to pack
>> everything I own and move it myself. Did that in my 20s, not doin' it
>> in my, erm, not-20s. If Sheldon requires proof, he can just call
>> Trudell Moving and Storage (a/k/a TMS) in Huntington Beach CA and ask.

>I am sure that most of us moved a lot more often when we were younger.
>We had small apartments and a few possessions. We had lots of time and
>energy and bunches of friends who reciprocated moves, and it usually
>ended up as a party with free beer. Then we all settled down, had kids
>and no longer had the time and energy for the physical exertion. Call a
>For a while I had a pickup truck and I seemed to get called a little to
>often to help people move. I still remember the last time I was supposed
>to help someone. He had been a good friend, but he was a slacker. I told
>him ahead of time that I had things to do in the afternoon but could
>help for a few hours in the morning. I showed up at the appointed time,
>but they were still in bed. They had to have breakfast firs. They hadn't
>packed. They didn't even have any boxes yet. Since the liquor store was
>the best place to get boxes, we went there and got some. He picked up
>some wine and beer, and as soon as we got back to the apartment he
>cracked open a beer and sat down to watch television. I left at noon.
>They were quite upset with me for letting them down. I did have things
>to do at home and had no time to put up with that kind of crap. Besides,
>the last time he was supposed to help me, he sat down and drank most of
>the beer while the rest of us worked.

I knew it... can you top this beer stories... what, no one gonna tell
about their move from LA to Nome for a sack of PB n' J sammiches and a