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Omelet[_7_] Omelet[_7_] is offline
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Default Dinner last night 10Jun10

In article >,
PL > wrote:

> Since I posted anything about dinner etc, with pics. I can't remember.....
> been as busy as a one legged man in an arse kicking competition.
> Been a *huge* day today, been from one side of town to the other, and then
> some...... and now I have the good fortune of getting 'up' in 3&1/2 hours
> and do it all over again.
> The last week...... or two....... or three... (when did I come back from
> Sydney????)..... have been flat chat. Which can be a good thing...... or
> not.
> I've been coming into the house at the last moment, throwing some 'shit'
> together, and dishing it up as dinner.
> Been lazy since we got the tenderloin restock, and I've kept them all
> outside in the beer fridge, so they're my 'fallback'.
> So tonight I said "We need some fresh veges, no salad, no frozen stuff."
> I took a page out of Om's book and nuked the veges...... put them in a
> plastic 'sandwich bag' and put them on Low for 10mins to start..... and
> then another 5mins to finish......... superbly crunchy, held their shape
> and all the flavour.
> Meanwhile I got some crappy old whole thighs (bone in) seasoned them and
> cooked them in the benchtop convection oven.
> For the last 5mins of their cooking time, I got the griddle pan up to
> smokin' hot, and put on some sliced zuchinni.
> And here we have it.
> The second pic..... I was a bit quick after dishing the veges, and got a
> lens full of steam :-)
> So here we have it...... chicken thighs, seasoned and cooked so the juices
> spurted out from under the skin... fresh cauliflower, broccoli, and whole
> beans........ oh, and the griddled zuchinni.

Superb pics Peter.;-d

I've actually been more in the veggie mood lately!
Peace! Om

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