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Nancy Young[_2_] Nancy Young[_2_] is offline
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<RJ> wrote:
> I was trying to buy a container of cranberry juice.
> "Juice Cocktail"..... Sounds like cranberry flavored KoolAid.

I like it, but it's got sugar, and plenty of it.

> "100% Fruit Juice"...
> Oops... that's APPLE juice, flavored with cranberry.

Either apple juice or grape. Blech. Cheap filler juice.

> Then I start reading the other "Fruit Juice" labels.
> It's like trying to decipher a homeowners insurance policy.
> But damn few contain the juice that's on the label.
> ... or perhaps a miniscule amount.
> Toss a blueberry into a quart of apple juice,
> color it blue, and Voila.... "Blueberry Juice"
> How do they get away with it ?
> Doesn't "truth in labeling" apply to ( alleged ) fruit juice ?

You can find plain cranberry juice, it's in a smaller size bottle.
Otherwise it seems like 100% juice means watch the fine print.
It's not going to be plain (whatever) juice, that would probably
cost a lot more.
