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Chemiker Chemiker is offline
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On Fri, 11 Jun 2010 16:17:27 -0700, "<RJ>" > wrote:

>I was trying to buy a container of cranberry juice.
>"Juice Cocktail"..... Sounds like cranberry flavored KoolAid.
>"100% Fruit Juice"...
>Oops... that's APPLE juice, flavored with cranberry.
>Then I start reading the other "Fruit Juice" labels.
>It's like trying to decipher a homeowners insurance policy.
>But damn few contain the juice that's on the label.
>... or perhaps a miniscule amount.

It's worse that that. The gummint allows *juice* mfrs to dilute their
products in the interest of consistency. Thus if a juice drawn from
fruit in a great season is of thus-and-such composition, and it is
only 60% of thus-and-such in a crappy year, the mfr gets to add
diluents to the good stuff to make it more like the crappy stuff. In
this was you always get suboptimal juice. So 10% juice on the label
may be only 8% net. Care to consider a juicer? <G>
