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The Cook The Cook is offline
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Default A correction

On Sat, 12 Jun 2010 16:01:15 -0500, George Shirley
> wrote:

>On 6/12/2010 4:12 PM, The Cook wrote:
>> On Sat, 12 Jun 2010 12:23:17 -0700, > wrote:
>>> On Tue, 08 Jun 2010 09:48:33 -0500, The >
>>> wrote:
>>>> Amazon price is $5.99 + shipping unless you keep a mile long wish list
>>>> like I do.
>>> What does a wish list do for shipping?

>> I always have a wish list of things I want but don't necessarily have
>> to have right now. When I need (want) something NOW that is less than
>> $25 I find something on the wish list that will bring it up to $25.
>> Free shipping on $25 or more. The only time I pay shipping is when I
>> purchase something that does not ship directly from Amazon, especially
>> used books.

>Are we related? I do the same things you do, may be why Amazon sends me
>an email about something I want every day or two. You reckon they're
>tracking me? Yeah, I'm easy that way, that's why Kroger sends me coupons
>every couple of weeks that match what's on my grocery list. Got me
>trapped in the computer, just like Amazon.

I get email from Amazon about 3 times a week. My local grocery sends
me a list every Sunday of the things we buy that are on sale the
coming week. Their specials week starts on Sunday. I also log into
their specials for the week to see if there is anything we really,
really need (want).

It has been a riot this week. I have gotten notices about a Paul
McCartney concert from Amex, Ticketmaster and Time Warner, the venue.
Two were superfluous since I bought tickets after the first notice. My
son and DIL wanted to go and I decided that I would like to see him.
DIL called later that day to see if I could get another ticket for her
son who thought it might be a nice idea to see him in person before he
quit touring.
>I was at the library this afternoon, they had a book sale going,
>something they do two or three times a year. If a book hasn't been
>checked out in a year or some reference book has been updated and they
>still have the old one, the old one and the unchecked out books go on
>sale. Anywhere from twenty-five cents a book to a dollar a book, never
>saw any go higher. I spent forty dollars with them today. Miz Anne is
>gonna kill me when she gets home tomorrow. Or maybe not, I scored two
>books on quilting and she is getting very interested in starting
>quilting. I do love the Calcasieu Parish library system, it is very
>professional and the people that work there are too.

I need to have my own book sale. I have more books than I have places
to put them. I really need to go through them and decide what I want
to keep and the ones that one reading will suffice.
Susan N.

"Moral indignation is in most cases two percent moral,
48 percent indignation, and 50 percent envy."
Vittorio De Sica, Italian movie director (1901-1974)