Thread: A correction
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George Shirley George Shirley is offline
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Default A correction

On 6/12/2010 7:18 PM, The Cook wrote:
> On Sat, 12 Jun 2010 16:01:15 -0500, George Shirley
> > wrote:
>> On 6/12/2010 4:12 PM, The Cook wrote:
>>> On Sat, 12 Jun 2010 12:23:17 -0700, > wrote:
>>>> On Tue, 08 Jun 2010 09:48:33 -0500, The >
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Amazon price is $5.99 + shipping unless you keep a mile long wish list
>>>>> like I do.
>>>> What does a wish list do for shipping?
>>> I always have a wish list of things I want but don't necessarily have
>>> to have right now. When I need (want) something NOW that is less than
>>> $25 I find something on the wish list that will bring it up to $25.
>>> Free shipping on $25 or more. The only time I pay shipping is when I
>>> purchase something that does not ship directly from Amazon, especially
>>> used books.

>> Are we related? I do the same things you do, may be why Amazon sends me
>> an email about something I want every day or two. You reckon they're
>> tracking me? Yeah, I'm easy that way, that's why Kroger sends me coupons
>> every couple of weeks that match what's on my grocery list. Got me
>> trapped in the computer, just like Amazon.

> I get email from Amazon about 3 times a week. My local grocery sends
> me a list every Sunday of the things we buy that are on sale the
> coming week. Their specials week starts on Sunday. I also log into
> their specials for the week to see if there is anything we really,
> really need (want).
> It has been a riot this week. I have gotten notices about a Paul
> McCartney concert from Amex, Ticketmaster and Time Warner, the venue.
> Two were superfluous since I bought tickets after the first notice. My
> son and DIL wanted to go and I decided that I would like to see him.
> DIL called later that day to see if I could get another ticket for her
> son who thought it might be a nice idea to see him in person before he
> quit touring.
>> I was at the library this afternoon, they had a book sale going,
>> something they do two or three times a year. If a book hasn't been
>> checked out in a year or some reference book has been updated and they
>> still have the old one, the old one and the unchecked out books go on
>> sale. Anywhere from twenty-five cents a book to a dollar a book, never
>> saw any go higher. I spent forty dollars with them today. Miz Anne is
>> gonna kill me when she gets home tomorrow. Or maybe not, I scored two
>> books on quilting and she is getting very interested in starting
>> quilting. I do love the Calcasieu Parish library system, it is very
>> professional and the people that work there are too.

> I need to have my own book sale. I have more books than I have places
> to put them. I really need to go through them and decide what I want
> to keep and the ones that one reading will suffice.

I take the easy way out, after I've read the book, see no further need
to have it on hand, I give it back to the library to sell again. The
only books I keep are my cookbook and preserving books, some of those go
back to the forties. Miz Anne has art books everywhere, some she hasn't
looked at in thirty years. I think all women belong to a secret cult,
"She who dies with the most stuff - wins."