Speaking of southern food . . .
On Jun 14, 11:53*am, Kate Connally > wrote:
> I was watching a recent episode of DDD and one of the featured
> places was The Farmer's Shed Kitchen - a restaurant attached to
> a farm market. *All the stuff they make is made from stuff they
> grow.
> Anyway, the reason I bring it up is that all my adult life I've
> heard the song and dance about how true southern cornbread (and
> hushpuppies, etc.) does not contain sugar. *Southerners don't eat
> it sweet. *Well, the Farmer's Shed is in Lexington, SC a little
> west of Columbia and not all too far from Georgia. *You can't
> get more Southern!
> One of the things they are famous for is their cornbread - which
> contains sugar and even has brown sugar sprinkled on top before it
> is baked. *All the locals eating there were raving about how it was
> just like home. *So how do you explain that, pray tell.
> Sounds really yummy to me!
> I like my cornbread sweet, but I always thought it was because
> I was half Northern and raised in the North and didn't know no
> better. *;-)
> Kate
I'm from the South...born and raised. We ate cornbread without sugar
because my father liked it that way. I like cornbread either way. I
don't like it too sweet, however, just enough sugar to enhance the
People in the South do all sorts of things to cornbread batter, fry
it, bake it, put things in it and fry it and call it hush puppies or
fritters. etc.
There is no hard and fast rule about cornbread, never has been.