TN: 3 nice, fairly inexpensive wines
>2002 Ch. d'Oupia Minervois (Languedoc-Roussillon)
Can I ask if you found this in NYC?
>It's one of those that I keep in the back of my mind but never see at
>Astor or my neighborhood shops.
Yes, I got it at Chambers St. Wines (my fave NYC shop, probably) for about
$8-9. Also worth trying is this wine's big brother (Oupia "Barons" Minvervois)
at $14 or so and little sister ( €śLes Heretiques€ť VdP l'Herault) at $7 or
And by the way, I neglected vintage on the Chianti- 2001.
Thanks for reading.
Dale Williams
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