About the Aluminum wok lid/cover
"Giusi" > wrote:
>"Manda Ruby" writes:
>> Does anyone here use the Aluminum wok lid? I don't think wok lids come
>> in any other metal, are they?
>> I got one (dome shape) just a few days ago from a local store when I
>> went to search for a carbon steel wok. I forgot about the Aluminum
>Yes. It is enormous, and would be too heavy to bother with in spun steel.
>I store it upended in a stack of SS mixing bowls.
A spun steel wok lid wouldn't be any heavier than a spun steel lamp
shade, maybe one pound. Originally wok lids were of hammered steel
only thinner than the wok steel but with the advent of low cost
aluminum just like others oriental cookery made the switch...
typically the steel lids would rust... the domed stainless steel lid
for my 14" Farberware skillet weighs a mere 14 ounces... in more than
forty five years it never once occured to me that its lid was heavy.
If I had a wok without a lid I'd use any pot lid... but I don't own a
wok, I usually stir fry in my 14" Farberware skillet, it has
relatively high sides and that high domed lid... I honestly don't see
the point in owning an actual wok... cookware and heat sources have
come a long way since the Neanderthal era. Unless one has a real
Asian kitchen I see no point in cooking with a wok, without the real
Asian kitchen appliances/acouterments you wokers are just faking it.