> On Mon, 14 Jun 2010 11:46:12 -0500, George Shirley
> > wrote:
> >> Interesting. I didn't know about the Czech either.
> >>
> >> Lou
> >
> >They got to Texas about the same time as the Germans did, mostly from
> >Czech Bohemia, excellent farmers, still a bunch of their descendants
> >around Needville outside Houston. Here's their
> >webpage:http://www.cityofneedville.com/
> >
> >When I worked in the Houston area there were many of the Czech
> >descendants working in the oil patch with me, interesting people.
> >Another little group of them settled in what is now Crosby, TX on the
> >east side of Houston along the San Jacinto river, lots of them still
> >belong to the Church of the Brethern and many of the women still wear
> >the little caps and braid their hair. Here's the url of the church in
> >Crosby. We lived there and in nearby Huffman for several years. Good,
> >hard-working people and lots of really good cooks.
A friend of mine from my Dallas days is of Czech ancestry. Her parents
bought a retirement spread near Rosenberg. And then there is West,
Texas, where one can get some fine kolaches. I never made it down
there, unfortunately, so I had to learn how to make them myself.
C.J. Fuller
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